Thrilled About God

I’m constantly hearing my pastor, worship leader, and just people in my church saying “lift up a shout of praise to the Lord!” During worship I see people jumping, dancing, and truly making some pretty awesome noise for the Lord. I’ve learned that as a follower of Christ, the best thing you can be is thrilled about God.

I have seen it happen many times; kids come home from church camp or a conference and they’re on fire for God. It lasts for a couple weeks or months for some and then that flame is blown out like a lantern without oil. I’ll let you in on a little secret: the oil is being thrilled for Him. Being excited about God, about your friendship with our Savior, about your relationship with our Father. We get so wrapped up and focused on all the “rules” and “requirements” that being a Christian calls for that we become a religious group rather than a body of Christ.

Don’t get me wrong, turning your life to God calls for a special will strength to leave behind the worldly things that consume your thoughts and replacing them with positive, Godly thoughts. It is just much more easier when you remember how wonderful and glorious He truly is. It’s exciting news. It’s the good news!

So today, rejoice and praise Him. & Tell someone how Thrilled about God you are!

Red, white, and grateful.

Its the fourth of july: a holiday full of patriotism, baseball, and hot dogs! I believe that the reason for most holidays is to remind us of the things we are most grateful for. Though America has a long way to go towards being a absolutely free and non-judgemental nation, I am very proud of every thing we have accomplished this year. And I am very excited to remain active in the fight for equal rights and to see what else is to come, but for today I will enjoy time with family and friends. Its a beautiful day and for that I’m grateful.                                                                          Happy Fourth, Beki.